2009 Project Elevate - Youth Spotlights
A little less than a year ago, Project Sunshine established Project Elevate—a program specifically geared towards helping youth aging out of the child welfare system become independent within a loving, supportive environment. An environment aided by carefully screened and committed, life coaches, intensive life skills programming—both at an intensive boot camp and throughout the year—and an effective partnership between Clark County's Department of Family Services and Project Sunshine. All fourteen participants who were selected to participate completed the program and, in addition to being successful from every objective measure, these youth spotlights offer a glimpse of the important work that defines Project Elevate.
Ashley W.
Ashley W. was seventeen when she participated in Project Elevate. She had been in the child welfare system for nine years and, according to her testimony after camp, previously had no one in her life she could depend on. “I went through life without knowing much about anything, trying to figure it out on my own,” she said. “Luckily, I was able to gain some knowledge due to a program called Project Elevate in September 2009!”
Ashley especially benefitted from the financial planning portion of Project Elevate. She quickly learned how to budget, manage, and save her hard earned money. She also learned other important life skills and quickly became part of the group. “It felt like one big large family,” Ashley said. Ashley was paired with a Life Coach who was specifically selected according to her personal interests and personality. Her Life Coach has helped guide her through the program and through personal problems like when she had housing issues. She maintains in close contact with her Life Coach and is not afraid to ask for help when life presents her challenges—a big change for someone who didn’t believe in anyone prior to her participation in the program. In fact, Ashley seems intent on sharing her experiences and helping youth in her situation not be forgotten as Life Coach in the future.
September 2010
As the year is ending, Ashley is finding success. She has enrolled in college at the College of Southern Nevada majoring in Nursing, while being successfully employed at a fast food restaurant. She is currently looking for her first place to live that will be her place to live. Ashley is one of the first youth in Nevada through the Project Elevate program to be accepted into a new Housing Assistance program specifically designed to assist former foster care youth with transitioning to independence. She has obtained a Driver’s permit and is saving enough money to purchase a vehicle in the near future. Ashley has maintained a close relationship with her Life Coach and has done well with reaching out to other Life Coaches within the program. Additionally, she has established strong friendships with many of her fellow YA’s in the Project Elevate program.
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