Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Party

Project Elevate had it's annual Christmas party. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday surrounded by caring people. Some of the youth were able to spend the evening with their brothers & sisters.

They had a great time decorating the ginger bread houses.
The youth love Dario and can feel his genuine love and hope he has for them.

There have been some special friendships made.

We had a white elephant gift exchange.
Ashley was thrilled to get these horse reins =)

Lot's of laughs!

 What could Chuck be soooo thrilled about?

 A priceless gift!
 Chuck threw a chain on the snowman clock and in an instant he was Flava Flav!

 Everyone loves Kari! She is the backbone of Project Elevate!

 Lovely "Momma" Heather

 Thank you Lisa for hosting at your beautiful home!

 Gift bags that were donated.

Yummy food!
Wonderful memories were made and it was a lovely way to spend it with our 
Project Elevate FAMILY! 

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